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AHS Online Team

Chase Hale

Position: Principal
Categories: Leadership

Chase Hale was drawn to American Heritage by the values and priorities signaled in its mission statement. After completing a bachelors degree in general accounting and a masters degree in financial accounting (BYU Marriott School of Management), Chase began his professional career with Deloitte & Touche. Chase specialized as a financial-statement auditor in Deloitte’s Raleigh, North Carolina practice, where he was exposed to a wide array of clients across a diverse spectrum of industries. Chase made the jump from public accounting to industry when he accepted an offer to work for MasTec Network Solutions, a project-management firm specializing in wireless-telecommunications infrastructure; Chase’s last position before leaving MasTec was as the Regional Finance Controller for the Mid Atlantic market. Prior to assuming his current role as Principal for American Heritage’s American Fork campus, Chase spent seven years serving as the school’s Business Officer. Chase and his wife Laura enjoy the positive impact the school has on their family as their five children have attended as students and as the prescribed literature, history lessons, and other aspects of school curriculum become a starting point for dinnertime and other-family discussions.

Chase Hale


Chase Hale was drawn to American Heritage by the values…

Jeni Starley

Position: Assistant Principal
Categories: Leadership

We are thrilled to have Ms. Jeni back for her fifth year with AHS Worldwide! She has become a cherished mentor and friend to many. She comes uniquely qualified to direct this class as she has a great love for literature and writing alike. Her professional career began as the head corporate paralegal for a large law firm for 10 years, specializing in voluminous written contracts, trusts, and agreements. She was also lead contact for all transactional legal work for the firm. She is also a BYU and UNLV graduate. Her favorite book of all time (besides the scriptures, of course) is “The Hiding Place”, as this non-fiction work masterfully mixes a message of turning trial into triumph coupled with a solid outlook built on Christ. A close second favorite read is “Left To Tell”, which is covered in our AHS course Literature: Moral Aptitude.

Ms. Jeni spent magical summers during college as an EFY (now “FSY”) counselor, where she came to cherish enthusiastic teenagers and spiritually fueled friendships. In her spare time, she currently loves to read/write, cook, travel, walk/talk with friends, Disneyland and BYU football games! GO COUGS! She lives in Provo, Utah, where she was born and raised, but she has also lived in Las Vegas and Oregon. She has two children, ages 8 and 10, and values the role of mother above all else. She puts great effort into interpersonal relationships and knows that this unique AHS learning experience requires group effort! She can’t wait to get to know you!!! She loves learning about scholar’s unique life stories and values time spent getting to know them and their diverse abilities. She has a fun sense of humor, which makes her live classes especially enjoyable. Her favorite mentoring mantra is “The Lord loves effort, and so do I!” Remember: what you put into this course determines what you get out of this class… your overall experience is up to you!

Jeni Starley

Assistant Principal

We are thrilled to have Ms. Jeni back for her…

Jeni Starley

Position: Senior Thesis
Phone: (216) 385-6437
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

Senior Thesis is 0.5 credit class that is a prerequisite for graduation from American Heritage School. The purpose of this class is to give students an opportunity to exercise the 4-R (Research, Reason, Relate, and Record) methodology to produce and publish a culminating project.

Course Objectives

Students will demonstrate their mastery of the curriculum through the following tasks:

  • Formulate research questions
  • Access and interview subject matter experts
  • Access and review relevant research literature
  • Read and annotate relevant literature for argument
  • Distill and concisely summarize an author’s argument and evidence
  • Compare and contrast arguments
  • Identify implications by reasoning about effects of decisions
  • Compose a clear, well-organized, fluid paper of 20+ pages that establishes a persuasive argument
  • Document paper properly using APA citation style
  • Orally present with confidence and graceful delivery before an adjudication committee


Course Information:


Now Enrolling!

Mentor Biography:

We are thrilled to have Ms. Jeni back for her fifth year with AHS Worldwide! She has become a cherished mentor and friend to many. She comes uniquely qualified to direct this class as she has a great love for literature and writing alike. Her professional career began as the head corporate paralegal for a large law firm for 10 years, specializing in voluminous written contracts, trusts, and agreements. She was also lead contact for all transactional legal work for the firm. She is also a BYU and UNLV graduate. Her favorite book of all time (besides the scriptures, of course) is “The Hiding Place”, as this non-fiction work masterfully mixes a message of turning trial into triumph coupled with a solid outlook built on Christ. A close second favorite read is “Left To Tell”, which is covered in our AHS course Literature: Moral Aptitude.

Ms. Jeni spent magical summers during college as an EFY (now “FSY”) counselor, where she came to cherish enthusiastic teenagers and spiritually fueled friendships. In her spare time, she currently loves to read/write, cook, travel, walk/talk with friends, Disneyland and BYU football games! GO COUGS! She lives in Provo, Utah, where she was born and raised, but she has also lived in Las Vegas and Oregon. She has two children, ages 8 and 10, and values the role of mother above all else. She puts great effort into interpersonal relationships and knows that this unique AHS learning experience requires group effort! She can’t wait to get to know you!!! She loves learning about scholar’s unique life stories and values time spent getting to know them and their diverse abilities. She has a fun sense of humor, which makes her live classes especially enjoyable. Her favorite mentoring mantra is “The Lord loves effort, and so do I!” Remember: what you put into this course determines what you get out of this class… your overall experience is up to you!

Jeni Starley

Senior Thesis

Senior Thesis is 0.5 credit class that is a prerequisite…

Jeni Starley

Position: Literature: Self-Governance
Phone: (216) 385-6437
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

Self-Governance is an online high school course designed to explore how literature can enrich our lives and inspire proactivity and personal discipline. Through timeless texts like C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, and Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search For Meaning, you will analyze characters’ choices and moral dilemmas, discussing how these themes apply to personal and communal betterment. The course aims to deepen understanding of virtuous principles, enhance personal growth, and foster a connection with God. Students are expected to participate actively in live class discussions, bringing their copies of the studied texts, to share insights and apply literary concepts to real-world scenarios.


Now Enrolling!

Mentor Biography:

We are thrilled to have Ms. Jeni back for her fifth year with AHS Worldwide!! She has become a cherished mentor and friend to many. She comes uniquely qualified to direct this class as she has a great love for literature and writing alike. Her professional career began as the head corporate paralegal for a large law firm for 10 years, specializing in voluminous written contracts, trusts, and agreements. She was also lead contact for all transactional legal work for the firm. She is also a BYU and UNLV graduate. Her favorite book of all time (besides the scriptures, of course) is “The Hiding Place”, as this non-fiction work masterfully mixes a message of turning trial into triumph coupled with a solid outlook built on Christ. A close second favorite read is “Left To Tell”, which is covered in our AHS course Literature: Moral Aptitude.

Ms. Jeni spent magical summers during college as an EFY (now “FSY”) counselor, where she came to cherish enthusiastic teenagers and spiritually fueled friendships. In her spare time, she currently loves to read/write, cook, travel, walk/talk with friends, Disneyland and BYU football games! GO COUGS! She lives in Provo, Utah, where she was born and raised, but she has also lived in Las Vegas and Oregon. She has two children, ages 8 and 10, and values the role of mother above all else. She puts great effort into interpersonal relationships and knows that this unique AHS learning experience requires group effort! She can’t wait to get to know you!!! She loves learning about scholar’s unique life stories and values time spent getting to know them and their diverse abilities. She has a fun sense of humor, which makes her live classes especially enjoyable. Her favorite mentoring mantra is “The Lord loves effort, and so do I!” Remember: what you put into this course determines what you get out of this class… your overall experience is up to you!

Jeni Starley

Literature: Self-Governance

Self-Governance is an online high school course designed to explore…

Kristen Wilkinson

Position: Physics
Phone: 435-764-4475
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

The ScholarConnect Physics course touches on the basics of kinematics, optics, material science, fluids, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. Many of these phenomena can look like magic when demonstrated. In class, we aim to learn that physics isn’t magic, but something repeatable and understandable. Using the language of math, we can predict behaviors, and understand what is happening in any given circumstance. This helps us to get a glimpse at how miraculous God’s creations are, and how He works in the universe.

We will spend class time doing demos (both on screen and each student at home), setting up and understanding example problems, and discussing why it all matters. Mrs. Wilkinson will have limited office hours later in the week to answer questions that have come up while solving homework problems.


Enrolling Now!


When Mrs. Wilkinson was 9 years old, the Voyager spacecraft made its closest approach to the planet Saturn, sending back stunning images and showing us for the first time that Saturn didn’t just have 3 rings, but hundreds of smaller rings. She was hooked on science, math, and space exploration from that point on.

After a mission to Germany, Mrs. Wilkinson graduated in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. She worked on spacecraft propulsion systems until her children were born. She and her husband are currently raising their four kids in Utah but have lived all over the United States and even overseas in Amman, Jordan.

Mrs. Wilkinson’s desire to teach Physics led her to go back to school for a Master’s degree in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences. While finishing that degree, she did an internship with American Heritage School Worldwide and has never left. This is Mrs. Wilkinson’s third year with American Heritage.

Mrs. Wilkinson is excited to try to help students find the passion for physics that she learned from other great teachers. She hopes to show how understanding the physics of the world can be used in your day-to-day life.

When Mrs. Wilkinson has down time, you will mostly likely find her reading a great book. She also loves camping and hiking with her family, as well as animals of all kinds.

Kristen Wilkinson


 The ScholarConnect Physics course touches on the basics of…

Rhaine Gardner

Position: Math Tutor
Phone: (480) 416-6701
Categories: Supporting Staff, Tutor


Cell: 480-416-6701

Availability: 1pm-6pm Arizona Standard time

Enrolling Now!


I have a Bachelors in Science for Marriage and Family Studies from Brigham Young University-Idaho. I also have two years’ experience teaching math full time as a licensed Arizona educator. I taught 7th grade, 8th grade, and Algebra 1 Honors for one year and the second year I taught Geometry and Algebra 2. I feel one of my strengths is being able to explain math concepts in a way that makes sense to people who are not great at math. This past year I had the privilege of teaching a new Algebra 2 course for my school that was aimed to help students who needed extra help. That class and those students helped me to improve my ability to teach to students who typically struggle. As a mentor, I care deeply about the student I work with. I want to build relationships with my students so that they know I don’t just care about their math knowledge, but I care about their growth as a person and as a child of God as well. I teach that math is about building life skills because we learn how to train our brains to solve problems by using both logic and creativity which they will use for the rest of their lives.

Rhaine Gardner

Math Tutor

Email: Cell: 480-416-6701 Availability: 1pm-6pm Arizona Standard time Enrolling…

Josh Stoddard

Position: Financial Literacy/Business Technology
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

By the end of this course, students will not only master concepts related to basic finance such as budgeting, investing, and debt, but will also understand financial goal setting, career development, and the blessings of tithing & fast offerings. Our Live classes review exemplary work turned in by students and briefly answer any questions about the previous week’s online teaching. We will discuss current events that relate to finance as well as complete real-world case studies in small groups. Students are encouraged to discuss their real and current financial goals and questions, so as a class, we can help everyone in their specific situation.

Mentor Bio:

I live in Florida with my wife and three young boys. After serving a mission in Argentina, I received a degree in finance from Brigham Young University with an emphasis in Real Estate. During my time at BYU, I had the opportunity to teach for two years at the missionary training center. After five years of working with national real estate developers, I founded MoneyMindedTeens to give teenagers the necessary tools to achieve their ambitions. I currently mentor teenagers in financial principles and continue managing a portfolio of real estate. In every lesson, I ensure the content is entertaining and applicable. Money will be a part of everyone’s lives, and is directly tied to most students’ biggest goals. We build an understanding of finance around what the students want to achieve in their lives, giving them clear steps to follow.   In D&C 104:13-15 The Lord has commanded us to be wise stewards over our resources. A part of being a wise steward is learning how to manage money and understand the Lord’s teachings on the subject. By gaining a strong understanding of financial principles, students will have the power to serve their future families and grow God’s church.

Josh Stoddard

Financial Literacy/Business Technology

By the end of this course, students will not only…

Ame Burton

Position: Principles of Leadership
Phone: 402-740-8080
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

Previously taught on campus for over a decade, this ‘favorite’ course for students is now available online for the benefit of our worldwide students. We dive into the time-tested 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, study the masterful leadership of the Savior, and discover ways to incorporate the very best leadership traits into our own lives…immediately! Students are astounded at the positive changes that happen in their lives when applying these principles.

The live class provides opportunities for presenting to an audience of peers, seeing leadership ideas and tools in real life, as well as making crucial connections to gospel principles. We begin with prayer, the national anthem, and a spiritual connection all directed by the students themselves. Then we review past concepts with activities and view student work from the assignments when helpful. The majority of class time is used to enrich the learning and application of new concepts through small and large group activities.

Students are expected to attended a 1-on-1 meeting each term with mentors.

Course Information:

Class dates/times: TBD


A teacher at heart, Ame has sought out or created ways to teach one topic or another for the past three decades after graduating from Utah State University and earning top awards for two consecutive years. From ASL to preschool, and from art and music to adventure-based leadership courses she constructed, finding ways to spark in others a love for learning has brought her incredible joy. It all began when she taught a class of Japanese exchange students learning about American culture. She hopes it will conclude teaching foreign students once again, simultaneously the gospel intertwined with life skills. Thankfully for AHS, she has experienced the joy of daily doing exactly that.

Having raised five amazing children in Nebraska, Ame and her husband, Lindsay, now get to experience the world with new perspective and increased freedom which includes more travel, more house remodeling, and many more new friends as they pursue dreams of building a ‘family retreat’ acreage for all to enjoy.

Ame Burton

Principles of Leadership

Previously taught on campus for over a decade, this ‘favorite’…

Rachel Barlow

Position: Chemistry
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

Hi! I’m Mrs. Barlow, and I’m so excited to be your Chemistry Mentor this semester! While studying at BYU, I discovered my love for chemistry and majored in Chemistry Education, as well as headed up the chemistry tutoring team. I also worked developing tutorial videos teaching students how to study and learn effectively. My educational philosophy is a quote by Einstein, “Education is not the learning of facts, it is the training of the mind to think”. I believe this is true across all areas of study, but especially so in the sciences, and especially chemistry! I love teaching students how to learn, including how to best study, retain, and apply what you’re learning effectively in order to solve the unique challenges chemistry offers.

My favorite areas of chemistry are environmental chemistry and chemistry engineering. Everything around us, either natural, or synthetic, is a chemical process! I love studying chemistry through that viewpoint and looking at how we can use chemistry to make the world a better place.

After graduating, I taught chemistry for three years in the Jordan School District before switching to American Heritage Online in order to spend more time with my two little boys. I love teaching them about the world around them, and am constantly amazed at Heavenly Father’s perfect creations. As Alma says, “all things denote there is a God”, and He truly is the master chemist!

(Just keep the same class description from the previous Chemistry live class.)

Minimum class: 5

Maximum class 35


Rachel Barlow


Hi! I’m Mrs. Barlow, and I’m so excited to be…

Mary Ebert

Position: Math
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

Students joining these lab settings will actively participate in discussions, bringing interactive questions and answers. They will also be engaging in group work problems that will heighten their level of understanding and deepen their critical thinking skills. Students will leave lab feeling more confident and more refined in their individual abilities.

Mentor Bio

Hi guys! I feel honored and privileged to work with youth, and young adults of all ages. I have been mentoring in various capacities since 2009. I first started mentoring in Calculus, then I expanded my capacities to teaching beginning algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB/BC, Statistics, High School Chemistry and Biology, and then Anatomy and Physiology through my college years. My Bachelors is in Biology with a minor in Mathematics. I graduated with my BS in 2015. My colleagues/friends/family tell me my strengths are as followed….  1) Connecting with people  2) Patience  3) Faith in The Lord Jesus Christ 4) Learning AND Applying  I know that the Lord has incredible plans for every human on this planet. Our abilities to receive all that he has in store for us is conditioned upon our willingness to get outside of our comfort zones, learn, grow in character and become more like our Father in Heaven. I feel so grateful to have a place in aiding people in their individual journeys, working towards their ambitions and dreams. I am very excited to help our next generation of adults, grow at a faster and faster rate, preparing for the 2nd coming of our Lord and Savior! This group of maturing adolescents is amongst the sharpest, both spiritually and intellectually. This wave of individuals will produce some of the greatest work and accomplishments we have yet to see.

Mary Ebert


Students joining these lab settings will actively participate in discussions,…

Jessica Pedersen

Position: History
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

Mentor Bio:

I live in Utah with my husband and three kids. I graduated from BYU with a degree in history and recently graduated from the University of Alabama with my master’s degree in library and information studies. At BYU I focused on U.S. history, particularly pre-Antebellum South, and Greek and Roman history. I think history is more than just facts to memorize and offers important insights on what we are experiencing today. In addition to loving history and learning, I love reading, hiking with my family and traveling. I hope to someday visit all the continents (including Antarctica!)

Jessica Pedersen


Mentor Bio: I live in Utah with my husband and…

Emily Deibel

Position: Written Portfolio C & Written Portfolio D
Phone: (989)225-0974
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff, Writing

Each writing class will include rush write sessions of 90 seconds to get the creative juices going, small group discussions where students can give feedback to their peers on their papers. We will also read aloud and dissect the writings of well-known authors. We will also read the exemplary work done by students on a final draft. Writing is a process, and I would like students to write several drafts of a long paper over the course of a term and improve it through revision with peers and the Mentor. Writers only get better by writing and writing and writing again, followed by reading as much as possible. Each class will include time to write, time to read, and time to share.


Emily Deibel lives in Saginaw, Michigan. She is a mother of four children and one grandchild. She graduated with a B.A. in English and a minor in History from Brigham Young University. After raising little children, she published one Young Adult novel with Fire and Ice Publishing. The COVID years saw her sifting through a mountain of homework to earn a Family History Research Certificate from BYU Idaho. She loves finding out everything she can about her relatives and taking their names to the temple–especially doing baptisms with her teenage sons. Emily coached two classes at American Heritage Worldwide from 2022-2023: Artistic Performance and Experiential Learning. Each semester, she enjoyed tackling a new project along with her students and loved seeing the progress everyone made on their goals.

Emily Deibel

Written Portfolio C & Written Portfolio D

Each writing class will include rush write sessions of 90…

Elizabeth Henderson

Position: Academic Advisor
Categories: Admin, Supporting Staff

Elizabeth Henderson

Academic Advisor

Holly Langston

Position: Student Success Manager
Categories: Admin, Supporting Staff

Holly Langston

Student Success Manager

Ame Burton

Position: Health
Phone: 402-740-8080
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

With an emphasis on application, this course is designed to empower you with the skills and understanding to choose and enjoy wellness. You will learn the “what” about health topics like sugar, anxiety, and cardiovascular fitness, but more importantly, you will uncover “why” the information matters to you, personally, and “how” to use it to navigate your life. Faith, fitness, food, and fortitude are explored with recurring themes of resilience, relationships, and personal power. (Reproductive health resources are provided for parents and are not taught in this course.)

Course Information:

Class dates/times: TBD


A teacher at heart, Ame has sought out or created ways to teach one topic or another for the past three decades after graduating from Utah State University and earning top awards for two consecutive years. From ASL to preschool, and from art and music to adventure-based leadership courses she constructed, finding ways to spark in others a love for learning has brought her incredible joy. It all began when she taught a class of Japanese exchange students learning about American culture. She hopes it will conclude teaching foreign students once again, simultaneously the gospel intertwined with life skills. Thankfully for AHS, she has experienced the joy of daily doing exactly that.

Having raised five amazing children in Nebraska, Ame and her husband, Lindsay, now get to experience the world with new perspective and increased freedom which includes more travel, more house remodeling, and many more new friends as they pursue dreams of building a ‘family retreat’ acreage for all to enjoy.

Ame Burton


With an emphasis on application, this course is designed to…

Mary Ebert

Position: Biology
Categories: Mentor, Supporting Staff

Students joining these lab settings will actively participate in discussions, bringing interactive questions and answers. They will also be engaging in group work problems that will heighten their level of understanding and deepen their critical thinking skills. Students will leave lab feeling more confident and more refined in their individual abilities.

Mentor Bio

Hi guys! I feel honored and privileged to work with youth, and young adults of all ages. I have been mentoring in various capacities since 2009. I first started mentoring in Calculus, then I expanded my capacities to teaching beginning algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB/BC, Statistics, High School Chemistry and Biology, and then Anatomy and Physiology through my college years. My Bachelors is in Biology with a minor in Mathematics. I graduated with my BS in 2015. My colleagues/friends/family tell me my strengths are as followed….  1) Connecting with people  2) Patience  3) Faith in The Lord Jesus Christ 4) Learning AND Applying  I know that the Lord has incredible plans for every human on this planet. Our abilities to receive all that he has in store for us is conditioned upon our willingness to get outside of our comfort zones, learn, grow in character and become more like our Father in Heaven. I feel so grateful to have a place in aiding people in their individual journeys, working towards their ambitions and dreams. I am very excited to help our next generation of adults, grow at a faster and faster rate, preparing for the 2nd coming of our Lord and Savior! This group of maturing adolescents is amongst the sharpest, both spiritually and intellectually. This wave of individuals will produce some of the greatest work and accomplishments we have yet to see.

Mary Ebert


Students joining these lab settings will actively participate in discussions,…

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